These were the major web and graphic services that we offer. These apart, there are several other small and big things that we do, depending on the demand of clients. Customization is our core strength and we tailor almost all our services to accurately suit businesses and markets.
Although WebIndiaFreelancer has grown up to become a company, housing a pool of talent, we still have held on the essence of being freelancers. Keeping that in purview, we offer services, circumfering two different usage criteria. The first one, is the normal one, that you would find everywhere else. You tell us what your business is about and what web related requirements do you face. We accordingly carve out web development and designing solutions for you. We charge a mutually pre-determined amount.
The other model is something different. You tell us what your website requirements are. We measure the bigness of the work and allot specialists who can take care of your entire thing, the person who would be allotted for your cause would be dedicated just for you and you can directly co-ordinate with him. There would be no one to interfere. The payment pattern would also be different. Charges would be factor of number of people who work on your project vis-a-vis the time they spend on it. Choosing the number of web professionals who would work on your thing would be at your liberty. We would just make arrangements and ensure that quality does not suffer.
Select which ever model suits your requirements the best and adds meaning to the services that you are availing of.